• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher


Planets activating the Mars/Saturn midpoint (♂ ♄)

Planets activating the Mars/Saturn midpoint (♂ ♄) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: To be careful and organized when one acts. The desire to be right and successful in one’s actions, which could potentially inhibit one’s ability to act. Repressing anger leads…

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Planets activating the Mars/Jupiter midpoint (♂ ♃)

Planets activating the Mars/Jupiter midpoint (♂ ♃) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: Enthusiastic action, which often imbues what one does with the possibility of success. To be confident in one’s ability to effectively assert oneself – which could be because one…

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Planets activating the Venus/Midheaven midpoint (♀ MC)

Planets activating the Venus/Midheaven midpoint (♀ MC) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: To spread love and beauty to the world, and to help others to appreciate the spiritual aspects of life. A career in the arts. To have a harmonious relationship…

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Planets activating the Venus/Ascendant midpoint (♀ ASC)

Planets activating the Venus/Ascendant midpoint (♀ ASC) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: A person with a loving, easy-going personality. The ability to share with others and to put them at ease. Contentment with oneself – which negatively might express as laziness…

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Planets activating the Venus/Node midpoint (♀ ☊)

Planets activating the Venus/Node midpoint (♀ ☊) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: To progress in one’s ability to love and to appreciate life, as well as to relax and enjoy one’s existence. Loving connections with other people. To seek out groups…

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Planets activating the Venus/Pluto midpoint (♀ ♇)

Planets activating the Venus/Pluto midpoint (♀ ♇) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: One person having power over the other in a love relationship. Power struggles in love relationships. To feel love with extreme intensity. To experience a compelling attraction. Decisions that…

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