The following degree frequency summaries are descriptions of the individual degrees of each sign IRRESPECTIVE OF WHICH SIGN THEY ARE IN. For instance, #8 below describes the 8th degree IN ALL TWELVE SIGNS. The meanings given for it are then synthesized with the sign in question. So, for instance, if one is interpreting 8 degrees Scorpio, one would read the meaning of #8 below, and then synthesize it with the meaning of Scorpio.
Degree frequencies are a relatively new idea in astrology. I’m sure other astrologers have worked with these, though I have not directly explored their work. The meanings for degree frequencies given here were received from Ellias Lonsdale, one of the greatest living astrologers. I feel the work is profound, brilliant, and uncovers many subtleties within the degrees.
Always remember when reading a degree that one rounds up, so that if one sees 19 degrees and 48 minutes of Capricorn in a chart, this is actually the 20th degree of Capricorn.
1st Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: the element air
Therapeutic ruler: Mercury
I want to empower myself and everybody else to get on with what we’re here for. I am being given a chance to innovate, to reinvent. to start all over., There’s nothing about me that’s hidden. There is in me a stroke of something wildly different and new.
I am clueless about so many things that everybody else is sure about, and I often feel like I’m nobody at all.
I have wildfire impulses that surge through me.
When I pay attention to what others are saying and doing, almost none of it applies to me. I must be from another planet!
the world often criticizes the simplicity and directness of the 1 frequency. The world is always asking it, “What do you have to back that up? What more is there?” So the 1 copes with the world by trying to be good, by trying not to be a problem, because the rest of the world doesn’t understand it.
The 1 frequency can be a dumb note in many people because they have to be so very vividly present in life to be a 1. It can come across as very diluted and lacking in fiber — become a sort of emptiness.
The challenge is to stay in the moment, and to experience every moment as an exciting new beginning.
Example: 1 Virgo: “Late at night someone comes home and slowly ascends the stairs.” A simple and direct return to a higher reality within the self. (Omega Series).
2nd Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Saturn
Therapeutic ruler: Virgo
I am cautious, because I want to see what I’m doing. I want a readout of situations. I don’t mean to be heavily skeptical and drenched with doubt, or incredibly gloomy, I just mean “what’s this?”
I often feel I don’t know how. In the present moment I often feel I don’t have within me what it takes to go forward. I need to experience and play out the old and go through the illusions I have created so as to understand them and see them for what they are. I need to work stuff out.
Once I get going, I can just break away from the obstructions, uncertainties and fears, but before that point, its hard work for me. I have a need to prepare for the future, to build up my confidence and energy to meet it
I want to get on with things but life can e fore me a series of minor disappointments, and that for me is traumatic, for I don’t want to be held back. I can tend to get involved in small stuff, details, and pettiness — preoccupied and absorbed in the little stuff.
I have a certain conditioned mindset that I fall back on, and a more open mind that I am staring to use more and more. I need to move back and forth between these two, and in any given situation discover which one works and in what ways.
Example: 1 Capricorn: “A mysterious colored window used to contact other worlds.” Finding a portal opening into new possibilities. (Pleiadian series).
3rd Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Jupiter
Therapeutic ruler: Libra
There is no resolution with me. I have the strongest shadow essence of any degree frequency, and my spirit longing, aspiration and vision are at peak passion and power.
I must be open-ended in all things to find my way. The courage to enter the darkness of the 3 and to stay with it and to explore it to the dregs is absolutely crucial. 3’s are capable of ego aggrandizement. At best the 3 can be extremely calm, very timeless and very all-embracing.
There is, though, with the three the tendency toward rigidity of extremes, but going to extremes can be good for them because it’s a learning experience.
The 3 can take every polarity and exhaustively celebrate its ways, not for the purpose of endlessly doing this, but so that it leads to some place where it all comes together, gets synthesized.
Example: 3 Scorpio: “Pigs being fed.” Eager indulgence. The need for primitive satisfaction.
4th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Mars
Therapeutic ruler: Scorpio
I’ve got everything the world is looking for. My quest is to find where to put it. It’s so satisfying to find the right place for my energies, but if I put them where I know they won’t go, the result is maddening and frustrating.
There can be a merging of my treasures with a perfect context. I feel the completeness and wholeness of this, and once I take this for granted and feel I have it made, it erodes and soon the whole thing is undone.
I’m somebody who has to be used. I don’t need to beat myself up with ups and down, ins and outs. I just need to let go of my compulsions and realize that everything is cyclic.
I can’t find out what goes wrong, and I don’t need to, because that just keeps me embroiled in the wheel of karma. I may try to fight what goes wrong for a long time. It’s because I think I must be able to find some way to get it right.
I need to master my reactivity. I need to not reject myself when I’m the loser.
Example: 4 Cancer: “A dragon conferring its powers on a maiden.” (Pleiadian series). Finding the power inherent in innocence.
5th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Aries
Therapeutic ruler: Jupiter
My entire existence is focused on penetrating to deeper layers.
There’s always this voice that says “Why are you so intent on this? It’s not going to get you anywhere.” Sometimes the doubter in me stops me cold. The only thing I now to do is to keep going deeper until I’ve used up the last fragments of my”no.”
The 5 is a struggle between the yes and the no. The “no” doesn’t want me to go deeper. The “yes” says I have to. The “no” tells me I’ll never get anywhere, but over time I come to see that I’m not trying to get anywhere — I’m trying to get my inner bearings. the yes will always win out eventually.
Example: 5 Libra: “A Flagpole with no flag.” (Omega series). Rejection of allegiances so as to find the true core self.
6th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Taurus
Therapeutic ruler: Venus
I am somehow living in more than one world, and what I bring to any situation is just one sparkling jewel, one ray, the part that fits. I cannot get myself to narrow down my scope to make things simple and easy.
I can be scattered, fragmented, lost in the parade of what wants to find its voice in me. I must be one of the first to show and reveal what it is going to be like around here when we move out of the rigid self we thought we were.
I don’t try to fit it all together. I am not interested in any kind of consistency or pattern. What I’m about is this moment’s possibilities. And what I’m supposed to do is to keep us all moving. Something about me gets people going.
The 6 comes to the point where it realizes you can’t work it out — it will work itself out.
Example: 6 Aquarius: “Beings of high evolution doing what they can to help humanity.” (Azoth series). Accessing the assistance of higher forces.
7th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Gemini
Therapeutic ruler: Sagittarius
I need to only listen to myself and to stay on my subtle inner track and to not try to explain. I know that nothing endures, and all things are utterly meaningful, relevant and real. I can be more of a self-critic than any other degree frequency, because I see such immense potential in myself that I yearn to access.
At the core of my being I know infinite possibilities. I know that it is totally possible to saturate this physical world with spiritual light, and that is what I want so desperately. I am a consummate idealist.
I am capable of tremendous brotherhood/sisterhood impulses because I have a deep knowing of what it’s like for everybody.
Example: “A pattern used to generate energy.” (Azoth series). The search for systems that create empowerment.
8th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Cancer
Therapeutic ruler: Capricorn
I turn every part of me into what is useful, what serves, what fits the picture. The world needs me to be a strong individual. I am an obedient servant carrying out a greater will and everything about me is designed to fulfill that task.
Nothing is alien to me. Nothing is beneath me. I am everybody’s friend. I am the world’s companion. If I can be a core awareness reflection for any and all to find their way, that is the best I can possibly do in my life. I cannot lose, and I cannot win. I will go a country mile to seem to be accessible, to seem to be obvious, to seem to be literal. I will play a part, I will play a role, and I will play it all the way.
The world loves me because I do it, I show it, I make it happen. I put myself there, I bring everybody with me, I live it up, I play it out.
An 8 could take an eighth of their being and have 7/8ths of themselves hidden, and the 7/8ths would be living in these incredible other realities, while the one that is showing up here would be conceived by most everybody as being such a character that one would never be aware of or look for the other 7 parts.
Example: 8 Virgo: “A man thinking up names for colors.” (Chandra series). The attempt to communicate bea, wonder, and the ineffable. “People dragging a beached whale back into the ocean.” (Omega series). The attempt to foster and assist the harmony of nature.
9th Degree
Kabbalilstic ruler: Leo
Therapeutic ruler: Aquarius
I have an ongoing consciousness of what pulls us forward and what pulls us back — what supports our evolution and what retards it — the workings of the light and the darkness. I have to learn where we are really going and what it’s going to take to get there. I need to commit to life tasks and foster a collaborative spirit. If I move with what is there, then everything will take care of itself. My intention is all-important.
Mu goal is to see through my own distortions and to cleave to the truth that stands behind everything I perceive. I need to always be clarifying the difference between my truth and what is my projection. I naturally realize that everything is connected.
Example: 9 Pisces: “Dusk. A vampire awakens.” Activation of the dark side of one’s nature so that it may ultimately be redeemed.
10th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Virgo
Therapeutic ruler: Uranus
I’m super tuned into what is happening in the world and what is asked of us. I want to serve and to make everything possible. I’m very capable of keeping the world going on whatever terms seem necessary and vital. I’m a very mental degree. I take what I am discovering in myself and then disseminate what I discover. I speak the truth and put out there what I mean to say.
What often happens to 10’s is that they give into situations and contexts that make their giving useless, or which merely perpetuate the status quo without evolving it. They keep trying to protect their individuality but often end up grooved into the habits and patterns and thought currents of this world. Dismantling the world illusion is their job.
Example: 10 Taurus: “Deep in the jungle a panoply of colorful birds and flowers.” The protection and concealment of hidden treasures deep within the self.
11th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Sun
Therapeutic ruler: Neptune
I know how to cut through all the crap and not to be stopped by attitudes and arbitrary place inside.
I am a love, a catalyst, someone who does people good, who brings it all back around. I am here to make a difference. I am an instigator. I make things happen. I carry the ball and run with it. I am meant to be a tremendously forward pressing energy.
I have instant photo recognition of opportunity, challenge, possibility, and opening. I am the fastest frequency.
I am intent on shifting patterns, making something happen that wouldn’t happen otherwise.
I always have something at stake, something dramatic going on and I’m in the very middle of it. I’m trying to get the opposites connected.
I have the tendency to be hyper-adaptive in crazy making situations.
I generate impact when I don’t do anything whether I know it or not, because I’m constantly emitting a kind of spark. All I need to do is to be calm and quiet and accepting and embracing. I don’t need to force the issue. In fact, forcing issues can be my great mistake.
It’s very easy for me to get into addictive patterns. i am afraid of a vacuum. I’m afraid of coming down. I’m afraid of being flattened. I’m afraid of things getting less intense, less powerful, less amazing.
The 11 is tapping the wisdom that is at the edge of the physical plane in the realm known as the subtle physical, which is the aspect of the physical that’s not gross and tangible and massive but is more like a kind of a vibe that is in the physical but isn’t in the gross physical.
When I am really on, I do just a gesture in the right direction and everything magically happens. I have the ability to have an incredible light easy natural touch.
I have the ability to enhance the life spark, the quality of drawing forth the best in things.
Example: 11 Capricorn: “A man using colored lights to read a palimpsest.” (Azoth series). The ability to read the faint and subtle messages that are all around one.
12th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Libra
Therapeutic ruler: Pisces
There is a tendency for the most desperate, the most despairing, the most anguish ridden an angst oriented states to come from the 12th degree frequency.
If I can just surrender my fears and have faith I can experience a great turnaround in my life. Letting to can completely change my world.
I exemplify the truth that what you resist you become. Whatever I try to get away from is what I’ll be faced with.
My great challenge is to learn to never say never.
Example: 12 Scorpio: “A collection of rocks shaped like hearts.” The attempt to understand one’s blockages when it comes to loving, giving, and receiving.
13th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: the element water
Therapeutic ruler: Aries
I have a rampant exuberance that is often camouflaged and contained, hidden, or held back. I may have infinite capacity that I don’t tap, or don’t tap fully or openly.
With me there is nothing anywhere except personal soul discovering, exploring, unfolding, developing, working, and moving with. I always have to learn the most basic things. I always already now the most advanced things. I essentially live by my wits. Everybody consistently overestimates me.
Some part of me won’t let me enter upon and enjoy the fabulous gifts I am heir to. That part says I don’t deserve it and that part seems to dominate a whole corner of my soul. It takes a long time for the gifts and the magic to overflow.
Everyone has their eyes on me even when I’m not doing or saying anything. Other people feel inspired, enhanced, quickened, and challenged by me. I am at my best when I’m very expressive, engaged and committed to progress.
Example: 13 Leo: “An old man on a porch which looks out over a stormy sea.” (Pleiadian series). The wise self calmly contemplating the deep turbulence and power of its emotions.
14th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Scorpio
Therapeutic ruler: Taurus
I am intent on maximizing my strength, which is stamina and incredible perseverance. I have a willingness to clear myself of any and all falsehood and restriction. I am overwhelmingly consecrated and given over to the objective task. I’ll do what needs doing. I am dedicated to the task of finding out what’s wrong and slowly and inevitably changing it.
It’s easy for me to feel discouraged, disempowered and disillusioned because I perceive the magnitude of my task.
Cleaning people’s houses is a perfect 14 task. I create channels through which things can happen, and often I don’t even know I’m doing that. I have the ability to patiently create the right key for the right lock.
14 is the battleground between “I can’t do it,” and “Of course I will anyway.”
Example: 14 Cancer: “A dried up stream bed covered with smooth rocks.” (Chandra series). A softening over time of one’s perception of and attitude toward problems to the point that we are able to take a gentle, smooth approach to them. Coexistence with the world’s difficulties without harshness or agitation.
15th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Sagittarius
Therapeutic ruler: Saturn
I am the world’s worst at perpetuating old models. When I am inspired, I am totally alive. I am very wholistic and all-encompassing.
It is necessary for me to have a light, broad, open style. In my true mode I listen, tune in to, and open myself to any and all directions as the impulse and the message arises.
I am able to open all my subtle senses and be finely tuned and exceedingly alive to the complex weave that arises when fairy and cosmic beings, the dead, and every variety of unknown intelligence are here with us. I was specifically made for a different world. When I am on my way to that new world, I feel alive, engaged, free and joyous. The 15 frequency vibrates with Chiron.
Example: 15 Gemini: “Drummers creating complex overlays of rhythms.” (Azoth series). The dynamic blending of energies to enhance beauty and bring greater interest to life.
16th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Capricorn
Therapeutic ruler: Mars
I need to boost the spirits of all I meet. I am pouring a healing balm into everyone, with something restorative in it. I am lively and easy to be with. I am subject to and almost at the mercy of moods, moon tides, follies and notions which pass but which can take a bite out of me. Life feels like an emergency to me. There is nothing I can depend on, no stability, just the meeting of what is in the moment and attempting to harmonize it with my deep inner self. I am always up against the need to crack through a shell, a structure that feels so thick and customary that it takes everything I’ve got not to feel intimidated, not to be coerced. I feel on the defensive.
I need to learn to give my all to the situation at hand. I need to put myself on the line. I need to discover a deep enough place in myself that can commit itself forcefully enough and totally enough to a new way of life.
Example: 16: 16 Sagittarius: “A magician’s wand sprouting golden leaves.” (Omega series). Continual receptivity to new and empowering opportunities. The spontaneous re-energizing of inspiration.
17th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Venus
Therapeutic ruler: Gemini
There is not one anything in the 17 world. The 17 is seeking to annihilate what is false in it. It knows it’s a false world and a false self, and can’t bear it — and won’t bear it. It needs to undermine and sabotage its own disguises, its own agenda, its own trip.
It is dead set on something it doesn’t know how to reach. It will get there but it has no idea how or when or what its going to take, but it will. It has a good built-in instinct for how to not go crazy. It just knows that you can’t take anything too seriously or too much to heart because if you do, you will collapse into a heap. It knows that it must be ironic.
I do not have any idea what is going on with me in a certain sense. I have no patterns, no reference points for most of the stuff I find myself dealing with. I have got to make something out of what I meet in this world, and it really get to me.
I have got to get my insides to somehow come outside and be part of things, and it’s such a struggle. I get accustomed to hiding out. The 17 is always coming out of a place where it knows all about things and then discovers it knows nothing.
Example: 17 Virgo: “An old bald woman talking to her dog.” (Chandra series). The need to give up rational thinking and to dialogue with one’s instincts.
18th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Aquarius
Therapeutic ruler: Cancer
There is no neutral space in the 18, for in its thoroughness it must go to all the extreme places within itself. The 18 is ultimately about witnessing what it’s like to fall, and what it’s like to rise. It chooses ultimately to rise, but honors ever stage of the process. It can be very temptable and susceptible. It is the most vulnerable of souls, and needs to be, for by opening itself up to all it is eventually able to take in the completeness of life.
18’s sometimes have a dreaded fascination with the dark side because they know there’s something to learn from it. When they get on their spiritual path, though, they are shining representatives of the bright spirit.
They can manifest a tremendous ability for empathy and nurturing.
Example: 18 Aries: ” Deep in the forest Titania’s ancient stone throne covered with moss.” (Pleiadian series). Profound connection with both the power and gentleness of nature.
19th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Pisces
Therapeutic ruler: Leo
I am challenged, I am provoked, I am compelled to push my limits, to find where I really am. I make sure to keep the pressure on. I make sure to make it tense and dangerous in how it will turn out. I can push myself way too far.
I don’t know how to be simply here with what is happening and just let it flow.
this wild part of me always wants to jump off that cliff to see what happens — but when I’m not doing that the world is for me purely an excuse to be sleep, to be gone, to be somebody else. I can’t seem to keep myself awake in the midst of life unless I resort to my youthful impetuosity.
I can be the perpetual adolescent. I can follow the adventure all the way and I do. I am essentially unable to keep myself away from pushing too hard and feeling where it takes me.
I run on impulse, improvisation. I am an outlaw, a renegade, a follower of myself. I am so incorrigible that each time I do curb myself, it barely holds for awhile.
I have a shadow self that doubts and fears the outcome of my audacity and spirit of adventure, and who draws to me people and situations to thwart me, block me, and stop me. As I eventually mature (which might not be until my 50’s or 60’s) I develop maybe just a little bit of tameness and ability to observe myself. This helps me greatly to overcome my impulsiveness and be far more fulfilled. The reason it take me so long to get to the point is because all this adventure and excitement feels so vital I don’t want to give up even a little bit of it.
If, on the other hand I give in to the world and give up my maverick ways I can end up living in grief. Not a passive grief, but a burning grief and longing. This grief of mine is unused life force, untapped talent and genius.
The 19 is totally magical. There is something in it that understands that everything is rigged in our favor, if we’re willing to learn from it. If you’re innocent enough, you can just put yourself at the center of the 19 frequency, radiate conviction and all will form around you.
Example: 19 Pisces: “Palm trees laden with dates.” (Chandra series). Bearing rich food for everyone, especially in situations of scarcity and lack. Heavy with gifts and wanting others to partake of them.
20th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Mercury
Therapeutic ruler: Moon
My destiny won’t let me join any of the multitudes of worlds I could join, because I am a connector, I stand at the crossroads. I am the wider link and I can’t swallow myself up in life’s particulars in any way. My own priority is to be the scribe, be the witness, the onlooker, be the one who lets all the others know that this is happening here, and that it matters.
I am being asked to sweat it out. I have to work with my personal subjective self and all its opacities, illusions, densities and incredible stubbornness.
The main thing happening in this frequency is that it is being pursued by the Absolute. It breathes right down your neck and you can’t create any distance from it. It smiles on you in the shadows. It enjoys your falls and says, “here, here’s a hand. Come. I’ll pick up up.” The 20 has a tendency to look at things from a state of almost bliss. They don’t spend their whole time there or anything, but it’s amazing when they get it. There can be a huge kind of fanaticism in the 20, a self-righteousness — where one tries everything in one’s power to make the world wrong and oneself right.
The 20 is seeking to be a graceful and skill reflector of an infinite reality.
Example: 20 Gemini: “A bull stung by a scorpion.” (Chandra series). Finding methods (which are sometimes drastic) to transform overly rigid or stagnating situations and ideas.
21st Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: the element fire
Therapeutic ruler: Sun
I reproduce with avid familiarity what I have seen others do. By doing so I live vicariously, second hand. I cannot resist the common tone, the generic style. I can be influenced by every current around me.
The further I go in trying on for size the ready prototypes that are so easy to portray, the more alienated I become from this one pure dynamic that means everything to me: it’s that I yearn to be the one who makes those around me come alive. To do this I need to go on my own inspiration and find my own way rather than trying to adopt the standard methods or the formulas of others.
When you are fully clear in the 21 you know that you are a herald, that you are a forerunner, that you’re a beacon light bearer, that you’re one of those characters who goes on ahead and helps everybody get where they need to go. You’re a pace setter, a tone setter. And your way of doing that is to listen to the voice within and to follow it so closely that you become the voice within.
Example: 21 Gemini: “Magically the trolls make the stones weightless as they build the castle.” (Pleiadian series). The facilitating of tasks by finding often startling and innovative ways to make them easier.
22nd Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Moon
Therapeutic ruler: Pluto
You have to connect things up, bring things together that might not go together if you don’t bring them together. You can never cease working the beat, the territory of finding ways for this and that and that and this to combine forces — to become one.
You have to be the one who essentially overcomes and transmutes your own stuff. Sooner or later you almost always find yourself forging a path that is the opposite to the one that makes sense inside you, and that’s the wake up call. The fact of the matter is that you’re very close to where you need to be but you just haven’t made the leap yet.
22 can be skilled in the art of evasion, but what they evade within themselves will always show up one way or another i their outer reality.
Sometimes the 22 gives up the search for truth because it seems like there’s such a remote chance of finding it. They may feel that they can’t depend on anything, even themselves. Their mission is to eventually see through all the illusions being perpetrated both inside and outside themselves to find truth.
Example: 22 Cancer: “A dead poet’s poems finally published.” (Azoth series) Recognition of the extent and wholeness of effort no matter how long it takes.
23rd Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Aries manifesting in a Jupiterian way
Therapeutic ruler: Jupiter manifesting in a Libran way
The 23 has the gift of reaching out, of opening doors. It is the infinite aliveness which follows from a dead era of history. I get what’s going on before others do, and my part is to go on ahead and to show by as many different signs that we can, and we will. I am that smile, that yes, that “of course” which can’t be denied.
The difficulty with the 23 is that it’s hard to ground it. With the 23 it’s fairly easy to over adapt to the struggle of the times and to underplay the element of vision prophecy and the greater awakening.
The 23 is always aspiring, seeking, questing. Its message is “go further, take it beyond, don’t stop here, don’t settle for this.”
At worst the 23 is swept up in controversy and destructive obsessing on polarities. At best it is someone who is conceiving and moving with a whole new world.
Example: 23 Leo: “A secret race of beings carrying on a hidden existence among humans.” (Omega series). The ability to infiltrate the lives of others in subtle, unsuspected ways for the purpose of generating a positive influence. Though possibly there may be difficulty in making one’s presence and ideas felt. One’s messages may be given and received subliminally.
24th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Taurus manifesting in a Jupiterian way
Therapeutic ruler: Venus manifesting in a Libran way
This is easily the most complex degree frequency, except for the 12. The 24 frequency is not interested in the outer world. It is the least interested in ordinary reality. It is interested in the deep-inside world, entering it, becoming it, going where it takes them. You have to give yourself over to your destiny.l It can be the most painful, destructive and difficult of the frequencies. It is the opposite of easy and flowing. Your journey takes you on countless turns and twists.
The 24 frequency is at war constantly and the war rages within. I have to go back to wherever I’m stuck or impeded and get rid of what is stopping me. I sometimes feel that I can’t make sense out of my life. I can’t be a regular person. I end up outlasting evil ways and karmic patterns. I’m the bearer of what’s missing.
Bob Dylan’s Mercury is here. So is Robert De Niro’s Sun in Leo. The 24 is a troublemaker. Whatever is obvious isn’t something of interest to it. It can help others to have the guts and vision to carrying things through. You’ve been sent on a great mission. So much depends on your taking it all the way. The 24 is Frodo — the quest. You have to go to all places you’s least want to go.
Your one indispensable ingredient: ruthless, relentless energy.
Example: 24 Scorpio: “Gold turning back into lead.” Anything that was once seen as important comes eventually to be seen as limiting — which can lead to a greater embracing of the truly cosmic.
25th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Gemini manifesting in a Jupiterian way
Therapeutic ruler: Sagittarius manifesting in a Libran way.
I have a deep subjective feeling of being linked with a very sublime, refined and glorious realm. The 25 is the most heaven-oriented, the most interested in staying aloft of all the degree frequencies. I am seeing a lost way through, restoring a recognition of what is eternal and worth giving myself to.
There’s always a feeling in the 25 that we’re just beginning, just entering upon things and that there’s this way in which you just have to be in them and through them and of them and that they’re all there around you and you’re just partaking in them in this very magnificent way.
I am otherworldly, inner worldly, not common or ordinary. The main difficulty that arises with the 25 is that if you’re not in tune with totality, if there’s a way in which you’re stuck on external points of view, that the 25 will elevate you but you’ll kind of stay out there, unable to bring that high energy into the world.
Example: 25 Aquarius: “At a spinning wheel dreams and visions are being spun into realities.” A movement from the generalities of idealism toward those dreams manifesting in physical actuality.
26th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Cancer manifesting in a Jupiter way
Therapeutic ruler: Capricorn manifesting in a Libran way.
There is no frequency that’s quite as affirmative as celebrational, as full of adventure as the 26 really is. With the 26 you have to have cosmic forces over for tea and for dinner and for a snack. And otherwise, if you don’t cosmic forces will tend to try to break down your barriers or will tend to trick you. The 26 is very fast, it is in fact the fastest of all frequencies. Lightning fast, not developmental. Everything is experienced by it as being in the here and now. the 26 needs projects, enterprises, ways of life, immense endeavors. It must be stretched, taken where it hasn’t been before. It is always ready for adventure.
Nothing appeals to me more than to provoke fresh stages of awareness and activation in those that come my way.
This existence intersects with many vaster worlds and there are nodal points where that great existence streams through into this world. The 26 frequency is tapping in to those points of intersection and through doing so bringing in energy from other realms.
The 26 is an incredible liberating breath that opens the space to totality so that things that have been held too closely in a particular pattern can loosen up and be freed.
Example: 26: 26 Cancer: Sounds of laughter coming from many different directions in the forest.” Realization of the joy that permeates the natural world.
27th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Leo manifesting in a Jupiterian way
Therapeutic ruler: Aquarius manifesting in a Libran way.
I know I must be myself in all situations, and that to do so I must rid my being of false identities and superficial masks. I am acutely aware of my true self, and of the conflict between it and all lesser manifestations of myself.
I also know that to find and live my true self I must help others to do the same, and realize the integrity of the true selves of others. Therefore I try to be open minded and non judgmental in all situations. At my best I continually bring out the best in others.
Even when I’m unsure of who I am I would rather be in darkness and confusion than cling to an inadequate and falsely limiting self-conception.
Example: 27 Virgo: “A cup made from a skull. It is filled with dark wine.” Savoring the essence of the past, with all its joys, hopes and sorrows. A poetic awareness which clears and nourishes the mind.
28th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Virgo manifesting in a Jupiterian way
Therapeutic ruler: Uranus manifesting in a Libran way
I can’t get around things, can’t make it easier, or do shortcuts. I have absolutely got to be thorough.
I can get caught in dogma, and the letter of the law, in many forms of self-righteousness. I do this because I think I see the whole picture when actually there are pieces I still haven’t found.
I need to constantly realign myself with my purpose. I need to deal with all sorts of limitations. I have to do everything I can to come back into sacred attunement. I have to overcome all dissipating elements. I need to become a concentrated ball of intent and consecrated will.
No matter how hard it is, I know I must foster perfection.
Example: 27 Taurus: “A greenhouse full of tropical planets set in a snowy landscape.” (Omega series). The power to see how to protect oneself in such a complete and wholistic manner that one may eventually become impervious to harsh and non-supportive outer realities.
29th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Sun manifesting in a Saturnian way
Therapeutic ruler: Neptune manifesting in a Virgoan way.
I don’t belong to this world. I’m transcendent, infinite, sacred, magical, devoid of characteristics. Metamorphosis is me. Nothing to me is terribly tragic or irrevocable. I’m not invested in anything because I float freely. I have no ambition, goals, plans, programs, because everything already is. I am completely ineffable, beyond comprehension. The irrational to me is wonderfully expansive.
I like to go to extremes as a means of creative experimentation. I simultaneously break down things and reconstitute them in unique, original, and startling patterns.
Example: 29 Gemini: “At dawn the calls of birds mingle with dreams.” (Pleiadian series). The ability to synthesize messages coming from both inside and outside the self in an intuitive and creative manner. An instinctual communing with the voices of nature and the ability to be creatively inspired by them.
30th Degree
Kabbalistic ruler: Jupiter manifesting in a Martian way
Therapeutic ruler: Libra manifesting in a Scorpionic way
I continually change, am without disturbance, without hurry or agitation. I become all things as needed and can be all that and also utterly removed from that. I manifest paradox, ambiguity, contradiction, liberation from patterns, sequence, meaning and value. Everything in me is simultaneous. I have lots of compassion, but nothing clings to me.
At my worst I spin my wheels and get nowhere,and am busy with a multitude of things without arriving anywhere. Wallowing in endless complexities of confusion.
Example: 30 Sagittarius: “By time traveling a man takes a photograph of dinosaurs.” The ability to perceive the deepest and most primitive reaches of the past, and hence to comprehend the most primal foundations of the self.