• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher


Planets activating the Moon/Pluto midpoint (? ♇)

Planets activating the Moon/Pluto midpoint (? ♇) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: Obsessive feelings. Intense, overpowering impulses which arise from the subconscious. The compelling need to come to terms with the past and all those events therein which have created trauma.…

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Planets activating the Moon/Neptune midpoint (? ♆)

Planets activating the Moon/Neptune midpoint (? ♆) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: Emotional sensitivity. The ability to feel the feelings of others, unfortunately often confusing them with one’s own. To be uncertain as to how one feels, often because many different…

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Planets activating the Moon/Uranus midpoint (? ♅)

Planets activating the Moon/Uranus midpoint (? ♅) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: Sudden changes of feeling, occurring because of the person needing to clear the emotional body. Odd, unusual, strange emotional states and/or unexpected reactions to experiences. The ability to perceive…

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Planets activating the Moon/Saturn midpoint (? ♄)

Planets activating the Moon/Saturn midpoint (? ♄) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: Controlled or repressed feelings. The avoidance of emotions. Emotions that either do not change or which only change slowly. The ability to be dutiful, careful, and attentive. Fear for…

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Planets activating the Moon/Jupiter midpoint (? ♃)

Planets activating the Moon/Jupiter midpoint (? ♃) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: A wealth and richness of feeling. The tendency to go to emotional excesses. To be accepting of all emotions. A willingness to share feelings and the encouraging of others…

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Planets Activating the Moon/Mars midpoint (? ♂)

Planets Activating the Moon/Mars midpoint (? ♂) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: Passion and impulsiveness. The tendency to assert oneself on the spur of the moment and/or to overreact. Fiery feelings. The tendency to be excitable or irritable. Actions based on…

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