* Gemini-11 Degree Angel: Haiyael (HA-ee-ya-EL) Prophecy and Parallel Universes, Divine Warrior/Weaponry, Transforming/Experimental TITLE: MERGING WITH HIGHER LEVELS AND/OR FORCES Omega Symbol: Rain falling on the ocean.…
read more* Gemini-10 Degree Angel: Jabamiah (ya-BA-mee-YAH) Recognizing Design Beneath Disorder, Alchemy, Transformation, Interacting/Inspired TITLE: NEW AND STARTLING PERCEPTIONS Omega Symbol: Magic glasses which allow one to read…
read more* Gemini-9 Degree Angel: Rochel (ro-SHEL) Lost and Found, Restitution, Interacting/Responsible TITLE: THE OLD AND THE NEW REVITALIZING EACH OTHER Omega Symbol: A ruby growing in a…
read more* Gemini-8 Degree Angel: Habuhiah (he-bU-hee-YAH) Contacting Departed Souls, Healing, Interacting/Receptive TITLE: DEEP CLARIFICATION Omega Symbol: A man performing a strange, expressive dance only by moving his…
read more* Gemini-7 Degree Angel: Eyael (AY-ya-EL) Great Expectations, Transformation to the Sublime, Interacting/Sensitive TITLE: TRANSCENDENCE OF THE SEEMING LIMITATIONS OF THE PHYSICAL Omega Symbol: Poetry which sounds…
read more* Gemini-6 Degree Angel: Manakel (MA-na-KEL) Accountability, Knowledge of Good and Evil, Interacting/Experimental TITLE: EMBRACING WHOLENESS Omega Symbol: In the far north an ancient tower carved of…
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