* Cancer-11 Degree Angel: Reiyel (RAY-ee-YEL) Removing Hatred, Liberation, Helps to remove obstacles and impediments, and to live in a universe without boundaries, Transforming/Experimental TITLE: TRUTH AND WISDOM…
read more* Cancer-10 Degree Angel: SEHEIAH (say-HAY-ee-YAH) Soul Mats, Longevity, Releases body and mind from negative emotions, Interacting/Inspired TITLE: INTENSE COMMUNICATION Omega Symbol: An artist making shadowboxes in…
read more* Cancer-9 Degree Angel: YERATEL (YEH-ra-TEL) Silent Partner, Propagation of the Light, Interacting/Responsible TITLE: THE JOY OF MUTATION Omega Symbol: A man shaking dew off orchids into…
read more* Cancer-8 Degree Angel: HAAIAH (HA-ee-YAH) Order From Chaos, Political Science and Ambition, Interacting/Receptive TITLE: EVOCATION OF SPIRITUAL FORCES Omega Symbol: A man versed in the art…
read more* Cancer-7 Degree Angel: NITH-HAIAH (NIT-ha-YAH) Speak Your Mind, Spiritual Wisdom and Magic, Interacting/Sensitive TITLE: SEEING THROUGH SUFFERING INTO THE HOPE OF A GREATER REALITY Omega Symbol:…
read more* Cancer-6 Degree Angel: HAHEUIAH (ha-HOO-ee-YAH) Overcoming Jealousy, Protection, Interacting/Experimental TITLE: SEEING THROUGH THE OBVIOUS or FEARLESS LOOKING Omega Symbol: On a dull, overcast day, a pool…
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