Gemini 4: From a mountain, people watch a tsunami.
Earth mountains last for eons, and like to stay in the same place, but water mountains live only for a few hours at most, and feel an urge to always be on the move.
The tsunami was coming to see them, was rushing toward them in its wild exuberance to give them a hug. So they braced themselves against the earth mountain, and then, hearing a crash, felt on their faces the salt spray of a gigantic wet kiss.
(From “The Habits of Mountains,” by Catastria Minsar): “Mountains born of land live to an exceeding old age, outlasting many generations of men, and, as philosophers have noted, mountains find their greatest contentment in stillness. For their lack of movement allows them to better feed on starlight. Mountains build themselves high so that they may reach more closely to those heavenly lights, for a diet of such subtlety and antiquity requires much patience of consumption.
“Those mountains, though, born of water live only for a few hours at most, and follow an urge to move always, for their nature is turbulent, and their diet primarily of moonlight, starlight being scant food to slake their greater hunger. though as they sometimes become so consumed by that on which they feed they forget their way and crash blindly into shores, thereby creating much devastation, an event in which the moon is sometimes wont to take delight.”
Azoth Oracle
A man who can see through the eyes of a high-flying bird.
Pinarus tells us that the alchemist Athrace Trouvir had a tame crow in which he placed drops of his own ears, and through this means was able to see from its eyes when the crow took flight. It was learned in this manner that crows have the power to fly into other realms through portals we know not of, for through the eyes of his crow Trouvir saw many wondrous things, such as alchemists who long ago left our plane and who yet practice in other and hidden laboratories, and various shining objects of a curious and unknown nature which the crow returned to him in his beak, as crows are known by all as thieves, though their thieving may be trained and directed to serve alchemical purposes.