• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



d5-gemini 150 150 John Sandbach

* Gemini-5


Degree Angel: Damabiah (da-MA-bee-YAH) Fear of God, Fountain of Wisdom, Manifesting/Inspired




Omega Symbol: Two people calling to each other across a wide, deep canyon.


You can feel other people’s need to communicate, and the gulfs that need to be bridged if this communication is to happen. And since it is true that we create our own reality, these gulfs are self-imposed, and show that the people who created them are conflicted about communicating – they want to, and yet are afraid of it – or at least believe it is going to be difficult.


You sense that behind all ideas there are deeper forces at work, which, if we can contact them, can bring us together in wonderful ways. People can have difficulty understanding you, and may try to discourage you from the your deep digging. You are always impelled, though, to keep meeting the challenges of connecting with people, for it is your destiny to stretch the understanding of others, and to help them communicate more deeply with themselves.


Pleiadian Symbol: A journal of experimental poetry.


You like to experiment with communicating, and even if the experiments don’t work so well you need to keep going and try other ways.  You’re looking for a format and context in which you can


You’re attracted to new and different ways of communicating, and to finding others who are interested in this as well and willing to try the same thing themselves.  Inherently you don’t even think in terms of making mistakes when it comes to trying to express yourself, but are passionately interested in finding new vehicles for transmitting information and new methods for expressing the depths of your soul.  In all of this the more you see failures as learing experiences the more refining of your skills you derive from the chances you take.  At best your communicating can be marvelously vivid and striking.


Chandra Symbol: An immense tortoise with jewels inlaid on its back.


The tortoise moves slowly, just as communication may proceed slowly when the two people of the Omega Symbol are calling to each other across a wide, deep canyon.


The jewels in the tortoises back are the rich potentials being communicated (being carried across the canyon that separates ourselves from others) – and it is important to see that the tortoise, who always looks only forward or from side to side can’t directly see the beauty and wonder of what he carries.


It is likely that it will take a lot of time and effort to communicate these riches. The two people across the wide canyon from each other may need to use other means – hand signals, waving, a more careful listening – or they may need to find a way to get closer to each other – to bridge the gap that separates them. This degree bears a richness of information and potential that needs to be gone into ever more deeply, so that the fullness of it may be delivered. This is a place where Gemini is compelled to slow down and clarify itself so that these precious riches are not wasted.


Azoth Symbol: A vast prairie which seems like a still sea of grass.


You create a generous space in which others can be themselves and have ample room to find out who they are apart from all the outer promptings and coersions of the societal realm.  There’s a soft, natural aura about you that connects to both the earth and the sky and that helps to reveal to the world our natural and rightful place in it.  Here the canyon of the Omega Symbol, which is a rift between people, disappears and gives way to a tremendously broad plane that supports the gentle grasses sharing their simple and easy life with each other.  What a welcome antidote to the negative aspects of complexity.


Seed Degree: Taurus – 21


Bending over and lowering her palms, a woman projects colors into the earth. (Omega Symbol). The earth is healed with love, which helps us to communicate more clearly with everyone, and overcome all separations and differences.


A statue of Hermes decked with brightly colored garlands. (Chandra Symbol). The slow patient task of continuing our spiritual journey brings us inevitably to the soul’s springtime.


Fulfillment Degree: Leo – 6


Hidden photos of a deceased woman are discovered. (Omega Symbol). Working to achieve clearer communication, new facets of existence are eventually revealed.


A hamster running in a tread mill. (Chandra Symbol). Finally seeing that the goal to be reached is the HERE AND NOW, the tortoise lets go of attachment to results and takes delight in the sheer exertion of self, without caring about the limits imposed by any situation.


Omega Oracle


The canyon was keeping them apart and they were grateful for that. Their words swam back and forth between them like fishes in a two-way river of air, and echoes in the canyon repeated the words with a vague transparency that rose out of the depths and moved among the meanings like shimmering colors, giving new shades to them. Dusk was upon them, and their voices were growing tired. Why not climb down into the land of whispers?

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