• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



tw2/21/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

2/21/2012-2/29/2012:  New Moon in Pisces 3. Just before a wedding, a purifying rainstorm. TITLE:  CLEAR CONNECTING or CLARITY OF FOCUS As it was foretold in “The Book of Oracles” a…

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twleo2/14/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Capricorn 2. A painting which causes those who see it to become silent. I am unable to tell you the name of a great masterpiece in the Museum of Peth,…

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twcan2/14/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Scorpio 24. Gold turning back into lead. TITLE:  THE INTUITIVE KNOWING THAT WE ALREADY HAVE AT HAND WHAT WE NEED In the Museum of Peth there is displayed a ring…

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twtau2/14/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Cancer 17. A man’s shadow moving independently of him. TITLE:  GOING OVER AND OVER SOMETHING AS A MEANS OF WEARING ONES WAY INTO UNCONSCIOUS MATERIAL Always faithful to light and…

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tw2/14/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Waning Half Moon in Scorpio 26. A witch dressed in black. Her clothes are turning white. TITLE:  THE ABILITY TO INSTINCTIVELY NURTURE AND TO KNOW WHAT OTHERS NEED There is…

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twgem2/14/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Aquarius 25. The muscles of a dancer’s legs quivering in his sleep as he remembers dances. TITLE:  THE URGE TO PERFORM AND TO EXPRESS WHAT ONE IS BEST AT or…

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