• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher

Oracle Degrees


d336 150 150 John Sandbach

Pisces 6 Crystals deep in the earth aware of the sunshine above. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Experimental (Degree Angel: MIHAEL (MIH-a-EL) Unity, Fertility, Spiritual Wealth) TITLE:  REMEMBERING THE LIGHT EVEN IN THE…

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d335 150 150 John Sandbach

Pisces 5. Dyers at work with many vats of different colors. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Inspired (Degree Angel: ASALIAH (a-SA-lee-YAH) Global Transformation, Attunement to Divine Order) TITLE:  THE DESIRE TO CREATE BEAUTY…

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d334 150 150 John Sandbach

Pisces 4. Rustic folk gather many types of wildflowers for a celebration. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Responsible (Degree Angel: ARIEL (AH-ree-EL) Absolute Certainty, Revealer of Higher Realities) TITLE:  VITALITY MANIFESTING SPONTANEOUSLY or…

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d333 150 150 John Sandbach

Pisces 3. Just before a wedding, a purifying rainstorm. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Receptive (Degree Angel: SEHALIAH (say-HA-lee-YAH) The Power of Prosperity, The Power of Intention) TITLE:  CLEAR CONNECTING or CLARITY OF…

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d332 150 150 John Sandbach

Pisces 2. From deep in the earth, the sound of a waterfall.  (Omega Symbol). Manifesting/Sensitive (Degree Angel: YELAHIAH (yay-LAH-hee-YAH) Sweetening Judgment, Transmutation of Destiny) TITLE:  THE ABILITY TO ACCESS THE…

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d331 150 150 John Sandbach

Pisces 1. At sunset, a petrified forest glows with iridescence. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Experimental (Degree Angel: VEULIAH (vay-OO-lee-AH) Defying Gravity, Prosperity) TITLE:  THE INTENSE PERSISTENCE OF THE SPIRITUAL SELF’S WILL TO…

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