* Gemini-23 Degree Angel: LAUVIAH (LO-vee-YAH) Banishing the Remnants of Evil, Victory, Interacting/Receptive TITLE: AWARENESS OF THE GUIDING AND SUPPORTIVE MOTIVES INHERENT IN NATURE Omega Symbol: A…
read more* Gemini-22 Degree Angel: ALADIAH (a-LA-dee-YAH) Looks Can Kill: Protection from the Evil Eye, Divine Grace, Interacting/Sensitive TITLE: THE NEED TO ACCEPT SITUATIONS OPEN-MINDEDLY, AND FREED FROM ALL…
read more* Gemini-21 Degree Angel: HAZIEL (HA-zee-EL) Angelic Influences, Divine Mercy and Forgiveness, Interacting/Experimental TITLE: RECOVERING THE LOST Omega Symbol: A healer breaks up adhesions beneath an old…
read more* Gemini-20 Degree Angel: CAHETEL (KA-heh-TEL) Defusing Negative Energy, Divine Blessings, Manifesting/Inspired TITLE: TRANSCENDENCE OF THE ILLUSION OF LIMITS Omega Symbol: Night in a museum. Shadows seem…
read more* Gemini-19 Degree Angel: ACHAIAH (a-KA-hee-YAH) DNA of the Soul, Patience, Manifesting/Responsible TITLE: THE SENSING OF TREASURES HIDDEN EVERYWHERE Omega Symbol: The Golden Fleece hanging in a…
read more* Gemini-18 Degree Angel: LELAHEL (LAY-la-HEL) Dream State, Light of Understanding, Manifesting/Receptive TITLE: FAITH IN THE HARMONIZING FORCES OF THE UNIVERSE Omega Symbol: A magician gives to…
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