• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



d18-gemini 150 150 John Sandbach

* Gemini-18


Degree Angel: LELAHEL (LAY-la-HEL) Dream State, Light of Understanding, Manifesting/Receptive




Omega Symbol: A magician gives to the wind messages that are to be delivered.


You have the power of being unattached to the outcome of your communications, of giving them to the world so that whoever wants or needs them may partake of them. You use ideas and words to nurture others, knowing that when the time is right everyone will pick up on the messages they need. Your open-mindedness stimulates others to be more open minded, so they may let go of their obstructive preconceptions.


Pleiadian Symbol: Chinese characters appearing in the air as men speak to each other.


Ability to read into rich and subtle subtexts as one communicates, which makes for a wonderfully engaging and vivid rapport. Generating a super-alive, magical interaction with others that mutually awakens the imagination of both you and them.


Chandra Symbol: A book with blank pages.


You cannot tell the wind where to go or pre-determine its destination. The messages of the Omega Symbol will get to where they need to go by the workings of karma and destiny. There is great freedom and possibility here. There is a lack of accumulation here, or an ability to look beyond (focus beyond) accumulation, and so the freedom that emptiness and openness allows. When there is this degree of non-attachment the person, like the wind, is free to change direction at will, and to allow definitions and identities to be loose, flowing and light-filled.


Azoth Symbol: Forgotten words of wisdom suddenly at the right time recalled.


Allowing the simple force of spiritual truths to enter into and clarify your experience.  You’re all about letting things fall into place, and your innate belief that they will means that they often do.  To draw in more and more of these moments of clarity all you have to do is be receptive and tuned in to the moment.


Seed Degree: Libra – 27


A painting that will not dry. (Omega Symbol). Knowing that change is always possible we remain elastic and open, so that messages may flow to the beings that need them.


A black leopard beneath a full moon. (Chandra Symbol). The intensity and fullness of our passions needs the book’s blank pages as fields on which to express themselves.


Fulfillment Degree: Virgo – 7


Music, fading into silence, re-emerges as color. (Omega Symbol). When we trust that we will be connected to whatever it is we need to experience, we find ourselves opening to higher and subtler realms of perception.


A pie thrown in someone’s face. (Chandra Symbol). Inevitably, someone has soiled the pristine blank pages with an inkblot, or maybe a masterpiece, but in any case if we are to give up suffering we must give up this ridiculous need for purity, and allow ourselves to play with the pages and ink.


Omega Oracle


The question is, can the wind be trusted? We only experience the wind in passing, and even when we go with it, for awhile, say on an ocean voyage, it always races ahead – we never know its ultimate destination, being unable to keep up with it.


The magician was convinced that the wind could not be trained, but, being able to read its desires, he could sense the places to which they pulled it, and adjusted his messages accordingly.

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