* Cancer-17 Degree Angel: Chavakiah (cha-VA-kee-Yah) Sexual Energy, Reconciliation, Manifesting/Sensitive TITLE: GOING OVER AND OVER SOMETHING AS A MEANS OF WEARING ONES WAY INTO UNCONSCIOUS MATERIAL Omega…
read more* Cancer-16 Degree Angel: Lehahiah (Lay-HA-hee-YAH) Forget Thyself, Obedience, Manifesting/Experimental TITLE: SEEING THROUGH THE OUTER INTO INNER REALITIES Omega Symbol: A woman dressed in immaculately clean rags.…
read more* Cancer-15 Degree Angel: Yehuiah (yay-Hoo-ee-YAH) Revealing the Dark Side, Subordination to Higher Order, Transforming/Inspired TITLE: THE TECHNIQUES AND SUPPORT REQUIRED TO TRAVERSE UNKNOWN LANDS Omega Symbol:…
read more* Cancer-14 Degree Angel: Vasariah (va-SAH-ree-Yah) Memories, Clemency and Equilibrium, Transforming/Responsible TITLE: SAVING WHAT IS VAUABLE FROM THE PAST TO USE FOR THE FUTURE Omega Symbol: In…
read more* Cancer-13 Degree Angel: Lecabel (LAY-ca-BEL) Finish what you start, Intellectual Talent, Transforming/Receptive TITLE: AWARENESS OF THE RICHNESS OF MESSAGES FOUND EVERYWHERE Omega Symbol: Wind blowing through…
read more* Cancer-12 Degree Angel: Omael (O-ma-EL) Building Bridges, Fertility, Multiplicity Defeats frustration, despair and depression, Transforming/Sensitive TITLE: EXTREME SUBTLETY AND CAREFULNESS IN DELVING INTO LIFE Omega Symbol:…
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