The Pleiadian Symbol for this degree is “A labyrinth which appears to have no entrance.” The question arises: how can we get to the middle when we can’t even find…
read moreHere are the Azoth Symbols. They enegetically correspond to the Midheaven qualities of the degrees. ARIES 1: Colored sheet lightning flickering in the depths of an opal. 2: Falling to…
read moreHere is a complete listing of the mutated Sabian Symbols which I have recently channeled. If you’re wondering why the thirty degrees of each sign is number with roman numerals…
read moreI have coined the term “SD scale” to give students a way of thinking about comparing degree symbols. The SD stands for similarities and differences. In the two degrees I…
read moreA student asked me recently if one could base a complete reading of a chart on degree symbols, and without hesitating, I said “yes.” First of all, there is no…
read moreThe zodiac consists of twelve major divisions, each other of these further divided into 30 degrees. In an earlier blog we discussed how each one of these 30 degrees carries…
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