• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher


Lunar Mansions 1 – 3

Lunar Mansions 1 – 3 150 150 John Sandbach

Lunar Mansion 1 (Ruler: Mercury): The cycle of Lunar Mansions can be symbolized by the life cycle of a human being, with the moment of the New Moon being the…

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Lunar Mansions: An Introduction

Lunar Mansions: An Introduction 150 150 John Sandbach

The knowledge of Lunar Mansions is one of the oldest techniques of classical Hindu Astrology. For centuries, though, it was unused in Western Astrology Then the poet William Butler Yeats…

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The Life Approach (2)

The Life Approach (2) 150 150 John Sandbach

The following interpretations cover the instances where two out of the four planetary departments are activated by major aspect, with the other two not having a major aspect between their…

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The Life Approach (1)

The Life Approach (1) 150 150 John Sandbach

The Life Approach is my term for how the four Planetary Departments, (the Sun/Moon Department of Vitality, the Venus/Mars department of Efficiency, the Jupiter/Saturn Department of Motivation, and the Uranus…

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Uranus/Neptune Aspects: The Department of Significance

Uranus/Neptune Aspects: The Department of Significance 150 150 John Sandbach

The Uranus/Neptune pair of planets is referred to by Marc Jones as the Department of Significance. This pair has to do with the individual’s relationship to society and to their…

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Chart Formation (2)

Chart Formation (2) 150 150 John Sandbach

The fourth chart formation we’re going to look at is the BUNDLE. In this formation there is only one gap, but it has to be no less than 210 degrees…

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