• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher


Planets activating the Sun/Mercury midpoint (☼ ☿)

Planets activating the Sun/Mercury midpoint (☼ ☿) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: The purposeful organizing of thoughts and the ability to rank ideas in terms of their relative importance. The ability to communicate objectively. The importance of one’s ideas. One’s own…

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Planets activating the Sun/Moon midpoint (☼ ?)

Planets activating the Sun/Moon midpoint (☼ ?) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: The flow of energy and information from the subconscious to the conscious and the process of finding meaning and order in it. The balance between work (Sun) and play…

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How to use “Phase Analysis” to Interpret a Transit

How to use “Phase Analysis” to Interpret a Transit 150 150 John Sandbach

I’m going to show you a highly interesting technique, and I’m going to use Tyler’s chart to explain it. Tyler is having, in December, Pluto square his Mars. To get…

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Nodes 150 150 John Sandbach

The South Node can be a place where we get stuck. Since it is a known, familiar place we associate it with a false sense of security. But rather than…

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Midpoints (4)

Midpoints (4) 150 150 John Sandbach

And now let’s look at some of Sandra’s midpoints: Venus=Sun/Saturn: She appreciates (Venus) a depth (Saturn) of meaning (Sun). In her relationships (Venus) she seeks a spiritual (Saturn) purpose (Sun).She…

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Midpoints (3)

Midpoints (3) 150 150 John Sandbach

I’m thinking about midpoints — a challenging astrological technique, yet one that can yield tremendous results.Here’s one for you: Neptune on the Saturn/Mercury midpoint. Saturn/Mercury signifies difficulty communicating, for one…

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