• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher


Planets activating the Moon/Venus midpoint (? ♀)

Planets activating the Moon/Venus midpoint (? ♀) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: Emotions concerning relationships. The desire to nurture the other person in a relationship. One’s relationships are strongly colored by moods. Difficulty in being objective about relationships. Relationships going through…

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Planets activating the Moon/Mercury midpoint (? ☿)

Planets activating the Moon/Mercury midpoint (? ☿) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: The communication of feelings. Subjective thinking and communicating, or thinking colored by feeling. The ability to open up and be vulnerable when sharing one’s thoughts. Thoughts that are not…

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Planets activating the Sun/Midheaven midpoint (☼ MC)

Planets activating the Sun/Midheaven midpoint (☼ MC) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: The relationship between one’s ego and one’s profession or life’s work. To be proud of one’s work and able to do it with confidence. To be conscious of and…

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Planets activating the Sun/Ascendant midpoint (☼ ASC)

Planets activating the Sun/Ascendant midpoint (☼ ASC) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: To come across to others with self-confidence and/or with egotism, often when one is not meaning to do so. A centered and purposeful way of projecting oneself. The tendency…

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Planets activating the Sun/Node midpoint (☼ ☊)

Planets activating the Sun/Node midpoint (☼ ☊) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: Sharing a mutual purpose when one connects with other people. Awareness of the need for growth and progress. Awareness of attachment to the past, and the tendency to be…

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Planets activating the Sun/Pluto midpoint (☼ ♇)

Planets activating the Sun/Pluto midpoint (☼ ♇) 150 150 John Sandbach

Principle: A relentless craving for discovering the deepest meanings in life. Striving for personal power, be it mental, physical, or spiritual. Obsessiveness where goals are concerned. The tranformation of the…

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