Sagittarius 24. A man in his imagination inventing flowers, the seeds of which magically appear.
Night after night he dreamed of gardens, a different one each night. and in each garden were flowers he had never seen before. Some were similar to the flowers we know, but might be of a strange color, such as the royal blue iris he saw one night, or the rose with petals each of a different color, or red dandelions, or morning glories with black corkscrews coming out of their trumpets.
After a time he realized what the small, dark objects he found in his bed every morning were, and planted them. They all grew, and when they did they each took the form of his dreams.
I speak here of course of the great asecended master Floranian Profuso, who many have met in their own dreams, and who is dedicated to teaching dreamers the art of gardening.