* Gemini-7
Degree Angel: Eyael (AY-ya-EL) Great Expectations, Transformation to the Sublime, Interacting/Sensitive
Omega Symbol: Poetry which sounds beautiful but makes no logical sense.
Logic, which is so compelling and seems so set and clear can be a powerful illusion, for there is always a higher logic, or a different logic which we haven’t taken into account. You are aware of this, and know that what people most need is to listen to the music of their soul and the boundless joy it evokes. This is the guiding force of life.
Pleiadian Symbol: Looking down into a well a man sees, far below, his face.
The deep experience of how one’s surrounding reality reflects oneself. Looking into the deep sources that have formed one’s identity. You have an acute knowing of how anyone’s profoundest and most persistent feelings are a reflection of who they think they are and of how they have formed their personality in this lifetime. You have the capacity to receive wonderful, valuable and cleaR insights into what is at the root of everything.
Chandra Symbol: A table comes to life and runs away.
We sometimes try to make something serve a purpose it doesn’t want to serve. Words, too, have a purpose, but in the Omega Symbol they are freed from that purpose to roam in the imagination. This degree is all about giving up expectations and agendas and either letting things be what they will be, or experimenting with them in new, often unorthodox and unexpected ways.
Azoth Symbol: A game of chance offering a fabulous prize.
The willingness to speculate and take risks. Eager anticipation of great opportunities appearing. Limiting beliefs often ward off valuable things that are trying to find their way to us, and you instinctively know how to override these so that utterly unexpected possibilities can present themselves and potentially turn into realities. Like the poetry of the Omega Symbol it makes no logical sense – but it works, and can be so beautiful.
Seed Degree: Gemini – 15
A magician’s tower looms above the surrounding landscape. (Omega Symbol). The creative vision of the whole landscape of self allows us to free our mind of limitation and enjoy the beauty of existence as it is.
People gathering salt from the ocean. (Chandra Symbol). Coming to understand how our emotions are subtly connected to the physical world, we let go of deeply held basic assumptions, which opens us up to life’s surprises and miracles.
Fulfillment Degree: Libra – 6
On a long voyage, many icebergs encountered. (Omega Symbol). Accepting the mysteriousness of beauty and letting go of the need for explanations, we accept problems and challenges as they are, and learn to deal with them gently, rather than head-on.
A baby with two sets of teeth. (Chandra Symbol). Perceiving that everything has a life of its own, and that everything is always more than it seems, we experience a childlike eagerness to assimilate whatever is nourishing from our experiences.
Omega Oracle
Many of the words had become bored with appropriate relationships and were seeking other, more illicit connections. And definitions, though they had faithfully served the words they were bound to, had, over time begun to exude a boredom that made the words contemplate the possibility of distant travels, or even short trips, but in directions that freed them from all maps. They craved to communicate something new, something that irritated the understanding, causing it to wake out of an unknown sleep. And, of course, knowing all the time that there would always be ample worlds left to the pristine beauty of their unsayability.