• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



d7-2 150 150 John Sandbach

* Aries-7


Degree Angel: ACHAIAH (a-KA-hee-YAH) DNA of the soul, Patience, Interacting/Sensitive




Omega Symbol: An old man admiring a portrait of himself as a youth.


You appreciate the past and the lessons it continues to teach you. By accepting what has gone before without regrets your attitude helps others to take a more positive attitude to their lot in life. Your freedom from history and wholehearted embracing of the process of change teaches other people to love themselves more and to continually let go as they move forward.


Pleiadian Symbol: After death a man sees golden filaments connecting his various lives.


Perceiving the true nature of the greater self.  The deep recognition and understanding of all sorts of subtle and complex connections and the realization that all of it serves the purpose of evolution.


Chandra Symbol: A double-headed eagle, the heads face in opposite directions.


The eagles signify power. There is the power of youth and naivete and the power of old age and wisdom. When attachments are let go of, all regrets concerning the passage of time fall away, for although something is lost, something else is gained. This is the seed of Libra – the mystery of relating to our many selves unfolding over time, which is the marriage of past and future.


Azoth Symbol: Carefully sculpted trees and beyond them a tangled forest.


The forming and directing of certain aspects of one’s life will allowing others to be natural and spontaneous.  You can be very organized tidy and precise when you need to be, and casual and even chaotic when it serves your purposes, and you sense that these two sides have a great potential of enhancing each other.


Seed Degree: Gemini – 13


With each breath another new and unknown smell is detected. (Omega Symbol). Tuning in to the ever changing reality around oneself we be come aware of the panorama of our own history.


Garlic hung at the window for protection. (Chandra Symbol). Having overcome negative influences, one is able to access personal power.


Fulfillment Degree: Libra – 1


An apothecary shop in which herbal concoctions and other medicines appear as needed. (Omega Symbol). Through seeing how far we’ve come we come into an awareness of what we currently need.


A group of fat Italian ladies preparing bread. (Chandra Symbol). Being aware of the dualistic nature of power we empower ourselves by nurturing the power of others.


Omega Oracle


The eyes of the portrait gaze out, without seeing those far older eyes looking back at them. As if imprisoned in amber, the days of youth glow with a golden light, trapped in eternity. The young have no sense that they will ever age, and in fact, the version of them trapped in memory is timeless. The man gazes at himself as a youth and senses, vaguely, those countless other times he had been a youth, and the countless other youths he shall experience in the future. And whether old or young there is always present a longing, one that looks to the brightness of the future, the other to the brightness of the past. Until that day when the miracle occurs, and all days as if by magic, are absorbed into brightness.

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