• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



d357 150 150 John Sandbach

Pisces 27. A spider searching its web. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Sensitive

(Degree Angel: Rochel (ro-SHEL) Lost and Found, Restitution)


Whatever we become entangled with by circumstances must be something that we need, for everything is there for us to learn from. This degree know that truth and so is very accepting of anything that comes its way – always trying to figure out the relationship of that thing to itself. Its magic is the ability to transform the seemingly random into the deeply meaningful.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A ritual sand painting.” Here is the desire to bring all of one’s vision and aliveness into the moment, without having to worry about the future or what it holds. The sand painting reveals the underlying cosmic patterns of the universe. It shows us something, but because the grains of sand are not fixed, and will be thrown to the winds once the painting is completed, it reminds us that these cosmic patterns it reveals are actually within us – we are living them. Can we, like the spider of the Omega Symbol, search our mind to see if we have captured the meaning of them?

This degree carries the emphatic message that we need to align ourselves with the energies of the moment in the cosmic dance, and not worry about the future, for the present wholly and fully lived will give birth to the most beautiful of futures.

Pleiadian Symbol: A golden moon, newly arisen.

Azoth Symbol: A man, having fainted, returns with the memory of a dream.

Seed degree: Aquarius 24. A helicopter depositing a man on the top of the Great Pyramid. (Omega Symbol). Direct access to spiritual awareness allows us to see our desires and needs in a new way – allows us to understanding what our karma has captured and drawn to us.

A large brown bear picking and eating apples. (Chandra Symbol). Seeking immediate and spontaneous nourishment we come into a realization of the ephemeral patterns of reality, and a greater harmony with them.

Fulfillment degree: Sagittarius 30.By time traveling, a man takes a photograph of dinosaurs. (Omega Symbol). Seeking for something to nurture ourselves we probe deeply into our needs, which carries us to their roots in the past.

The completion of a large Persian rug. (Chandra Symbol). When attachment to set forms is given up, we find within ourselves the freedom to achieve closure where closure is needed and appropriate.


(From an early discourse of Irnad the Wise, known in his youth as Irnad the Relatively Astute):  “For the soul is like a spider, in that it fashions a web of conditions, circumatances and events for itself, in which it might trap nourishment, that food being understanding, which, when consumed might grow into wisdom.

“But even when the soul finds itself in its self created web it might come to think that it itself is trapped, or might not recognize as food whatever else has been caught therein.  and unlike the simple spider the human web is vast, and must be searched dilligently and assiduously to discover that for which it hungers.”

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