Scorpio 28. A man who speaks only in meter and rhyme. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Receptive (Degree Angel: YEIAYEL (YAY-ah-YEL) Stop Fatal Attraction, Fame, Renown)
This degree turns everything into poetry. Nothing is average or prosaic unless it is made or seen that way. This degree has a way of lifting any and all experience to a higher level by finding the beauty in it. This is often done unconsciously, but even if the person is not aware of it, the effect is still transporting, and revealing of the cosmic aspect of all phenomena
The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A building: the only part of it left is the cornerstone.” Everything passes away eventually, even something as seemingly durable as a building. The cornerstone marks the place it was – it preserves the memory of that structure. Our imagination may rebuild that building, and/or we may actually rebuild it in physical reality, or build a structure that is different but in some way like it, or which bears some of the essence of the the older, defunct form. The heaviness and endurance of the cornerstone seems so different from the man who speaks only in meter and rhyme, yet so much poetry grows out of older forms that are not much read anymore, and poetry tends to condense language, just as the cornerstone is a condensation of the energy that was the building.
This degree has a gift for essentialization and for what we might call “re-conceptualization,” that is, the ability to rethink and rebuild things, and all for the purpose of allowing the soul to take on a new vehicle of expression.
Realize, too, that the man of the Omega Symbol is not carefully writing and revising his poetry, but is expressing himself directly and spontaneously in poetic form, that is, thinking on his feet.
Pleiadian Symbol: A man sleeping in a forest wakes to the distant fanfare of fairy trumpets. Being taken over by the awareness of other realms of existence and other layers of reality. In the Chandra Symbol the world we have constructed disappears, leaving behind the cornerstone, which is our essence, and so the man of this symbol contacts his own spiritual essence in the form of the fairy trumpets, letting go of the rationalistic human world in which he has been living.
Azoth Symbol: A man learning how a vast library is organized. Learning how to navigate reality through recognizing the patterns it forms. Finding one’s way in the world through the recognition of signs, symbols, and portents.
Seed degree: Pisces 2. From deep in the earth the sound of a waterfall. (Omega Symbol). From the depths of feeling arises a rhythm that flows out as the soul’s music given voice to.
A man turning into a werewolf. (Chandra Symbol). Merging with our instinctive, animal self, we are able to align our being with that which is most basic and essential.
Fulfillment degree: Capricorn 20. A host of angels in conference. (Omega Symbol). To allow all of our communication to be suffused with beauty attunes us to the synthesizing and harmonizing forces of the universe.
Many different perfumes carried by a breeze. (Chandra Symbol). When we are able to return to the basic impulses that have given rise to all the constructs of our life, we clear our consciousness in such a way that we are able to perceive the play of subtleties all around us.
“The Far Islands” is an epic poem of 30,000 lines written, or recited, rather, by the Poet Elorious. Knowing that he would create this work – but not where or when — he spent ten years in preparation for its emergence by speaking only in meter and rhyme.
And then, on April 18th of the year 3641 he attended a feast at King Eran the VI’s palace and was asked to entertain in the evening. Spontaneously he began telling the story of Aandar and the Far Islands, which was continued far into the night, and then over the next few evenings as well, a scribe renowned for his swiftness at recording words in a shorthand of his own invention writing each line down as it was spoken.
If not for this amazingly adept scribe, whose name was never recorded by the historians, Elorious’ magnificent poem would have never come down to us.