• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



twpis8/13/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

You may know what to do, but may defeat yourself by doing it in a way that doesn’t work.  Gentleness and diplomacy can insure that your actions are effective.  You…

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twvir8/13/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

You need to be soft, open, and receptive now.  Reacting negatively to negative situations will only compound them.  Let discord just past through you, as if you were invisible.  Keep…

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tw8/13/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

8/13/2011-8/20/2011:  (For all signs):  Moon in 21 Aquarius:  Degree symbol:  CLAY FORMING ITSELF INTO FANTASTIC SHAPES.  (Azoth series).  The energy surrounding us now is loose and free.  This allows our…

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twsag8/6/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

Put aside for awhile what your mind and intellect are telling you, and have a conversation with your instincts.  You’re needing to enter some new territory, to claim some new…

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twpis8/6/20111 150 150 John Sandbach

You can’t make people understand what you’re saying — all you can do is put your ideas out there and then let nature take its course.  Don’t try too hard…

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twcap8/6/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

If you get too intent on your agendas now you may miss some great opportunities.  Things are not likely to work out the way you wanted or expected them to,…

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