• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher

Oracle Degrees


d34 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 4. A linguist invents a perfect language. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Responsible (Degree Angel: Lehahiah (Lay-HA-hee-YAH) Forget Thyself, Obedience) Title:  PROFOUND DESIRE FOR COMMUNICATION You have a knack for finding the…

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d33 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 3. A woman at a crossroads. She buries something and then prays. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Receptive (Degree Angel: Yehuiah (yay-Hoo-ee-YAH) Revealing the Dark Side, Subordination to Higher Order) Title:  EXPANDING…

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d32 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 2. A saint’s bones have turned to pure gold.(Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Sensitive (Degree Angel: Vasariah (va-SAH-ree-Yah) Memories, Clemency and Equilibrium) Title:  PROFOUND POSSESSING You are looking for what is absolutely…

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d31 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 1. To cleanse them, crystals are placed in a stream.(Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Experimental (Degree Angel: Lecabel (LAY-ca-BEL) Finish what you start, Intellectual Talent) Title:  SPONTANEOUS INTEGRATION You’re always table to…

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d30 150 150 John Sandbach

Aries 30. A crown which causes one to levitate. Transforming/Inspired (Degree Angel: OMAEL (O-ma-EL) Building Bridges, Fertility, Multiplicity Defeats frustration, despair and depression) TITLE:  ASSAILING OF THE LIMITS WHICH FEAR…

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d29 150 150 John Sandbach

Aries 29. A woman immersed in healing mud. Transforming/Responsible (Degree Angel: REIYEL (RAY-ee-YEL) Removing Hatred, Liberation) TITLE:  DEDICATION TO EXPERIMENTATION, or FEARLESSNESS OF ANY AND ALL RESULTS AND THE CHALLENGES…

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