• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher

Oracle Degrees


d47 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 17. A book patiently waiting to spill forth its vast and profound knowledge. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Sensitive (Degree Angel: Asaliah (a-SA-lee-YAH) Global Transformation, Contemplation) TITLE:  STORED UP WEALTH You have…

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d46 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 16. At the bottom of a gorge, a river turbulent with rapids. (Omega Symbol)Manifesting/Experimental (Degree Angel: Ariel (AH-ree-EL) Absolute Certainty, Perceiver and Revealer) TITLE:  DEEP COMMUNION WITH THE FORCES…

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d45 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 15. A platinum crucible. (Omega Symbol)Transforming/Inspired (Degree Angel: Sehaliah (say-HA-lee-YAH) The Power of Prosperity, Motivation and Willfulness) TITLE:  HOLDING ONE’S CENTER IN THE MIDST OF TRANSFORMATION The purpose of…

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d44 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 14. A woman making her way to the center of a labyrinth. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Responsible (Degree Angel: Yelahiah (yay-LAH-hee-YAH) Sweetening Judgment, Karmic Warrior) tITLE:  RETURNING TO CORE There are…

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d43 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 13. A fruit that smells terrible but tastes wonderful. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Receptive (Degree Angel: Veuliah (vay-OO-lee-AH) Defying Gravity, Prosperity) TITLE:  DISCOVERY OF NEW VALUES You are aware of the…

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d41 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 11. A man jumping into a river, melting, and flowing away. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Experimental (Degree Angel: Hahahel (HA-ha-HEL) Self-Esteem, Mission) TITLE:  SUBMITTING TO THE FLOW You can unite so…

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