* Taurus-23 Degree Angel: Nanael (NA-na-El) No Agenda, Spiritual Communication, Interacting/Receptive TITLE: VITAL CENTERING Omega Symbol: Inside a tornado, a spiral staircase. In the midst of…
read more* Taurus-22 Degree Angel: Imamiah (ee-MA-mee-Yah) Passion, Expiation of Errors, Interacting/Sensitive TITLE: COSMIC INSIGHT Omega Symbol: A man drinking a tonic that causes rainbow colors to spread…
read more* Taurus-21 Degree Angel: Hahasiah (he-HA-see-Yah) No Guilt, Universal Medicine, Interacting/Experimental TITLE: AFFIRMATION OF WEALTH Omega Symbol: Bending over and lowering her palms, a woman projects colors…
read more* Taurus-20 Degree Angel: Daniel (DA-nee-EL) Enough is Never Enough, Eloquence, Manifesting/Inspired TITLE: INTUITIVE PROGRESS Omega Symbol: A man performing a complicated weaving pattern from memory. …
read more* Taurus-19 Degree Angel: Vehuel (Vay-hoo-EL) Happiness, Elevation, Grandeur, Manifesting /Responsible TITLE: CONCENTRATION OF POWER Omega Symbol: A bottle of gold dust gathered from many places over…
read more* Taurus-18 Degree Angel: Mihael (MIH-a-EL) Unity, Fertility, Fruitfulness, Manifesting/Receptive TITLE: ABUNDANCE OF GIVING AND PROTECTING Omega Symbol: Gently, a man caresses a thorn tree. You…
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