Here is a complete listing of the mutated Sabian Symbols which I have recently channeled. If you’re wondering why the thirty degrees of each sign is number with roman numerals…
read moreWell you know I wanted to use the Sabian Symbols in the book because they signify the “ascendant” energy of the degrees, just as the Omega Symbols symbolize the “nadir”…
read moreThe Sun sheds light on anything which it touches, and here, combined with Neptune it illuminates the intuition, and can potentially reveal what was hidden as well as clarify what…
read moreIt is inevitable that as one looks at various degrees there will be those that one is drawn to and others that one finds uninteresting, or even repellant. To develop…
read moreThe focus here is on one’s own unique goals, as well as the ability to take a creative and inspirational approach to fulfilling one’s life purpose. This means that one…
read moreSaturn tends to want to maintain the status quo of one’s goals, to hold steady to them, as well as to pace oneself as one works gradually to fulfill them.…
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