• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



7/27/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011:  Symbol for the day:  Sun in 5 Leo:  A SEEMINGLY YOUNG MAN, BUT WITH GRAY HAIR.  (Chandra series).  This is an Aries day.

Today we can feel in some ways like we’re way ahead of the game, and in others ways like we haven’t even gotten to the starting line.  Its very important today not to get angry at ourselves, or get angry at other people because of the knowledge and wisdom they lack.  Loving the undeveloped parts in both ourselves and others will go far toward bringing harmony and wholeness to the day.

Thought for the day:  Aquarius can be the most open-minded of all the signs.  A student once asked me what the negative side of Aquarius is, and I said, “If you’re too open-minded your brains will fall out!”

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