Wednesday, September 7th, 2011: Symbol for the day: Sun in 15 Virgo: A MAN WEARING PAPER WINGS JUMPS OFF A CLIFF AND SOARS THROUGH THE SKY. (Omega series). Based on Kabbalistic numerology this is a Sagittarius day.
This is a day of taking risks and for allowing ourselves to soar. Invent with what you have at hand and then allow yourself to fly with it. Go beyond what you are used to, and be generous. If your align yourself with what you feel in your heart, life will reach out to support you in all your endeavors.
Thought for the day: Transiting Neptune is trying to refine whatever planet it touches in the chart. Initially this can produce confusion, or a feeling that something is being torn down, but if we allow ourselves to go with this process we are elevated to a new level, and empowered.