From now (October 12th, 2012) until November 22nd 2012 Pluto is in the 8th degree of Capricorn. The Omega Symbol for this degree is “A river passes through a deep, narrow canyon full of shadows.” Yeah, I know lots of people who feel they’re flowing through a very dark, hemmed in place right now. We are now flowing through a place of restriction, and what we all need to do is focus on the flowing rather than the restriction. We’re learning how to move through limitations.
I myself have been feeling very frustrated. But then this degree of Capricorn is exactly opposite my Venus in Cancer, which is making me deeply question my own values and learn to appreciate everything more deeply.
The Pleiadian symbol for this degree is “Birds of many different colors flying out of a window.” Pluto in this degree is asking us to let things OUT, to free the rainbow locked in our souls. We need to open the shut places within and let what’s imprisoned there spontaneously EMERGE. Note how the birds are like the river of the Omega Symbol — the water of the river is ultimately free, if it can find the opening it needs to keep flowing.
The Chandra Symbol for this same degree is “A snake charmer.” Can we find a way of dancing with our own energy, our own power? To do so we must get in tune with it.
And the Azoth Symbol for this degree is “A taste awakens memories of summer fields and groves.” This is the highest spiritual attainment that this degree is capable of — to remind ourselves of how beautiful and lush and generous life is — to attune to the heavenly wonders that we dwell amidst — even if right now things seem restrictive.
Pluto is going to be in Capricorn for a long time — until March 24th, 2023, so each degree of Capricorn it moves through brings another unfolding facet of Capcirorn. This current facet, degree 8 is now here to teach us how to flow with the spontaneous outpourings of our inner light rather than allowing fears or restrictive beliefs to hold us back