• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



or149 150 150 John Sandbach

Leo 29. A tiny, poisonous frog with a brightly colored body.

I never wanted to confine myself in a shell, I wanted instead to be colorful and to feel my colors glowing in the sun, and so it became necessary to be poisonous. Oysters and snails may secret themselves in self-generated caves, but I’m no lover of tight spaces, or the dull shades of camouflage.

I prefer to harm no one, which is why I wear the bright hues of death as an advertisement. My colors prove that death is actually a gay affair, once you get around to it. And I am not lonely, for those of my kind are immune to my poison.

I learned from flowers the joy of delighting eyes, and from thorns the art of toxicity.

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