* Gemini-14
Degree Angel: JELIEL (Jay-lee-EL) Recapturing the Sparks, Love and Wisdom, Transforming/Responsible
Omega Symbol: The sound of drumming brings everyone into the present.
You’re always aware of what’s going wrong with communication – what’s not getting through, and you can be very persistent in continuing to try to hear others and make yourself understood. Steadily you seek out the blockages to communication and try to understand them, and as you do your connectedness becomes richer, stronger, and progressively more healing to both yourself and others.
Pleiadian Symbol: Deep in a cave on the moon a dreamer dreams of prehistoric jungles.
Ability to go deeply into the hidden depths of the self and discover lush and unexpected worlds. Tapping into remote and unseen realities and discovering there luxurious life. A tremendously private vision that is fraught with great richness. It is the nature of the emotional body to hide things within itself, and you are an explorer of these arcane places.
Chandra Symbol: A sorcerer materializes an amethyst cross.
The cross signifies the present moment – one of the crosses lines symbolizing the past and the other the future, and where they cross being the NOW. The amethyst signifies clarity of mind. In the Omega symbol the sound of the drumming brings clarity of mind GRADUALLY, whereas in the Chandra Symbol the clarity of mind happens instantaneously. Either way it happens, this symbol can wake others up, and help them to see everything in a fresher, clearer light by merging with the present moment, which is the place of freedom, power, and release.
Azoth Symbol: Journeyers trekking through mountain snow.
Patiently and persistently overcoming whatever blocks one’s way to progress, and the ability to engage others in this process. Even when the path is difficult and progress slow you encourage others to forge ahead, and are able to instill in them the idea that what is to be derived from such efforts will make the whole adventure well worth it. You intuitively know how to lead people into higher levels, no matter how arduous that may be.
Seed Degree: Virgo – 9
In a freshly plowed filled, a man searching for arrowheads. (Omega Symbol). Searching avidly for what is outside ourselves we either find it or we don’t, but either way we are eventually led to an awareness of the here and now.
A man mixing cement. (Chandra Symbol). As we continue to engage in the arduous task of putting things together, we eventually come to realize that through our intent and creative visualization we can bring into reality whatever we so desire.
Fulfillment Degree: Taurus – 7
A man cleansing his aura with pink light. (Omega Symbol). To come into the present is to always find a release through the healing and renewing power of love.
A large ruby inscribed with a prayer. (Chandra Symbol). The word “amethyst” means in Greek “not drunk,” hence alert and clear. Manifesting alertness and clarity we find purpose (Ruby=Sun=purpose) that is blessed by our positive intent.
Omega Oracle
The only tool used by the alchemist Ibrar Izani is a drum. Being able to enter the memory stream of his patient he wraps the rhythms of his playing around this writhing body of the past, and enveloping it with the patterns of his beats loosens the hearer from it, causing them to escape into the present.
Irnad calls him “The Knife”, for his power to cut time into before and after, opening a womb through which the one he rescues may emerge.
They rode on a wave of rhythm that carried them forward. It excited them, the expectation that it had to come to somewhere, to find a destination that it seemed inevitably compelled toward. The patterns of the rhythm created a wake of memory behind them and a vista of probability ahead. But the wakes and the vistas, where did they meet?
And then one of them who listened instantly realized without warning that the destination had been there all along, had never been left, had always been the silence out of which, and into which, the rhythm streamed – the present’s black hole, infinite at the center of time’s whirling galaxy.