• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



d13-2 150 150 John Sandbach

* Aries-13


Degree Angel: YEZALEL (YAY-za-LEL) Heaven on Earth, Fidelity, Loyalty, and Allegiance, Transforming/Receptive




Omega Symbol: A breeze carries a soap bubble thousands of miles.


The purity of your your sensitive and beautiful vision is what protects you. Where others might fail, you succeed because of a high integrity and innocence. Your lightness of being is your best defense against challenges, emergencies and crises. Your ability to keep going can sometimes be astounding.


Pleiadian Symbol: A crowd of people sensing a sudden shift in group karma.


The shifting of inbuilt patterns happening as a group effort.  Moving through change with others and enhancing and supporting that change simply by focusing one’s attention on it.  You intuitively feel how peoples’ behaviour is mutually conditioned by each other and how this can always be shifted toward something more clearly in line with the force of evolution.


Chandra Symbol: The wind blows white sheets hung on a line to dry.


In the Omega Symbol a far traveling, in the Chandra symbol a going nowhere, but sun and air renew and purify the sheets which have been washed clean of the multicolored stains of many dreams – to create a blankness on which new dreams may appear, swirling like the rainbows on the surface of the soap bubble.


Azoth Symbol: Nature Devas fecundating a landscape.


The awakening of creative forces for the purpose of manifesting greater aliveness and beauty in the world.  The sensing of nature spirits and a willingness to work with them that automatically brings  inspiration leading to new life and all different kinds of renewal.


Seed Degree: Leo – 25


A woman incessantly eating pills. (Omega Symbol). Through doing whatever we have to to take care of ourselves, we find we’ve somehow survived the journey.


A circle of neat houses, each one identical. (Chandra Symbol). Becoming one with everything we are able to let go of isolation and specialness and are refreshed and cleansed by the experience.


Fulfillment Degree: Aries – 2


A man shown a hidden portal to the underworld. (Omega Symbol). Having come so far and finding ourselves still intact, we are now ready for the journey into our depths.


Old stone steps descending into darkness. (Chandra Symbol). Through cleansing and clearing our souls we have turned ourselves into a light that is now ready to journey into the deepest darkness.


Omega Oracle


The air within the soap bubble was from a faraway time, a glorious age of beauty and wonder. The magician had instructed the air that its presence was needed elsewhere, to seed a far off place with new magic. The air understood. For vast distances of time and space the colors on the bubble enjoyed their swirling, protecting the magic air, until they found that lost place needing their breath, and the bubble popped.

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