• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



twleo7/23/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

You’re going through changes, so its best for you have some protection while they are happening.  You’re needing more security now, especially on an emotional level. so don’t expose yourself…

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twvir7/23/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

If you get caught up in dualities it can cause you to miss important chances to take action.  Rather than trying to reason things out you need to find your…

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twcan7/23/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

You’re noticing some interesting things now, things you didn’t see before.  Be on your guard, and try to see what it is that others are wanting from you.  Don’t let…

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twari7/23/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

Time to take charge of things and to get the tools you need to do the job.  Spend time alone if that’s what it takes to do the work.  You…

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twtau7/23/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

Having trouble managing things?  Too much to do?  You may think you have to control it all, but if you try it’ll exhaust.  Go on automatic pilot as much as…

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twsco7/23/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

Sophistication, caution and diplomacy won’t work well now.  Simple, direct communication will.  Essentialize what you’re doing.  Make strong clear points.  Let people know you empathize with where they’re at, an…

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