• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



twsco1/23/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Aries 5. A woman harvesting rose petals to make perfume. TITLE:  QUEST FOR ESSENCE A certain girl, a harvester of roses, is considered sacred by the farmers who tend flowers…

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twlib1/23/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Aries 6. An actor forgets his lines and makes up new ones. TITLE:  OCEANIC CONNECTION or SPONTANEOUS HEALING Lines are coming out of the actor’s mouth – ones no one’s…

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twvir1/23/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Cancer 13. Wind blowing through an old Pan’s pipe. TITLE:  AWARENESS OF THE RICHNESS OF MESSAGES FOUND EVERYWHERE The wind has found that by shifting, songs are created. It is…

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twleo1/23/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Pisces 26. A writer endlessly revising his work. TITLE:  THE ABILITY TO FLEX AND FLOW WITH EACH NEW MANIFESTATION OF INSPIRATION  Tandar Arsak, one of the greatest writers of Aab,…

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twcan1/23/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Sagittarius 10. A man being followed by a spaceship. TITLE:  AWARENESS OF THE OPEN INVITATION OFFERED BY COSMIC FORCES Celestial geographer Tornaz Wayna is continually followed by one spaceship or…

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twgem1/23/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Aries 25. A man studying a sequence of random numbers. TITLE:  EXPLORATION OF CHAOS, or LOCATING THE SOURCE OF VITAL (CREATIVE) ENERGY The numbers were busy changing – adding to…

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