* Cancer-29 Degree Angel: Asaliah (a-SA-lee-YAH) Global Transformation, Contemplation, Transforming/Responsible TITLE: ATTUNEMENT TO GROUP ENERGIES AND ABILITY TO PERCEIVE CYCLIC PROCESSES Omega Symbol: A falling leaf gets…
read moreCancer – 28 Degree Angel: Ariel (AH-ree-EL) Absolute Certainty, Perceiver and Revealer, Transforming/Receptive TITLE: MAKING WAY FOR THAT WHICH IS WITHIN Omega Symbol: Words streaming from a…
read more* Cancer-27 Degree Angel: Sehaliah (say-HA-lee-YAH) The Power of Prosperity, Motivation and Willfulness, Transforming/Sensitive TITLE: VISION OF FUTURE POTENTIALS Omega Symbol: A book of strange and miraculous…
read more* Cancer-26 Degree Angel: Yelahiah (yay-LAH-hee-YAH) Sweetening Judgment, Karmic Warrior, Transforming/Experimental TITLE: ACCESSING THE JOY OF THE UNIVERSE or THE NURTURING OF THE IMAGINATION Omega Symbol: Sounds…
read more* Cancer-25 Degree Angel: Veuliah (vay-OO-lee-AH) Defying Gravity, Prosperity, Interacting/Inspired TITLE: PASSIONATE DESIRE TO WEATHER THE HARDSHIPS OF LIFE AND TO UNITE WITH ONE’S DEEPEST PURPOSE Omega…
read more* Cancer-24 Degree Angel: Mikael (MI-ka-EL) Revealing the Concealed, Political Authority and Order, Interacting/Responsible TITLE: REMEMBERING THE GLORIES OF THE PAST IMBUES LIFE WITH SPIRITUAL EXALTATION Omega…
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