* Gemini-17 Degree Angel: MAHASIAH (mah-HA-see-YAH) Healing, Rectification, Manifesting/Sensitive TITLE: WHOLE AND COMPLETE WISDOM CONTACTED AT ONE’S CORE Omega Symbol: Deep in a cave, a large albino…
read more* Gemini-16 Degree Angel: ELEMIAH (el-EM-ee AH) Eliminating Negative Thoughts, Construction of Universe/Worlds, Manifesting/Experimental TITLE: SPONTANEOUS CONTACT WITH THE SOURCE OF HEALING ENERGY AND THE POWER TO EMANATE…
read more* Gemini-15 Degree Angel: SITAEL (SIT-ah-EL) Miracle Making, Construction of Universe/Worlds Transforming/Inspired TITLE: AWARENESS OF THE WHOLENESS OF ALL EXPERIENCE REVEALS PROFOUND AND UNIVERSAL CONNECTIONS EVERYWHERE. Omega…
read more* Gemini-14 Degree Angel: JELIEL (Jay-lee-EL) Recapturing the Sparks, Love and Wisdom, Transforming/Responsible TITLE: ABILITY TO MERGE WITH THE MOMENT Omega Symbol: The sound of drumming brings…
read more* Gemini-13 Degree Angel: VEHUIAH (vay-HOO-ee-YAH) Time Travel, Will and New Beginnings, Transforming/Receptive TITLE: OPENNESS COMBINED WITH CAREFULNESS Omega Symbol: With each breath another new and unknown…
read more* Gemini-12 Degree Angel: Mumiah (MOO-mee-YAH) Spiritual Cleansing, Endings and Rebirth, Transforming/Sensitive TITLE: WEALTH OF RESOURCE Omega Symbol: A single tree growing many different types of fruits.…
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