• Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher



twleo1/31/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 17. A book patiently waiting to spill forth its vast and profound knowledge. TITLE:  STORED UP WEALTH Waking in the night I heard a sigh, and though it was…

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twleo1/23/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Pisces 26. A writer endlessly revising his work. TITLE:  THE ABILITY TO FLEX AND FLOW WITH EACH NEW MANIFESTATION OF INSPIRATION  Tandar Arsak, one of the greatest writers of Aab,…

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twleo1/16/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Taurus 6. A man charges water with healing energy. TITLE:  THE POWER OF LOVE EXPRESSED or ASSURED ACTION BASED ON INSTINCT The waters don’t mind being captured – they’d just…

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twleo1/9/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Cancer 19. A man memorizing Chinese characters. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Responsible TITLE:  THE EXPLORATION OF THE REALMS OF THE UNCONSCIOUS or THE URGE TO HAVE A RAPPORT WITH ONE’S EMOTIONAL AND…

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twleo1/1/2012 150 150 John Sandbach

Cancer 10. An artist making shadowboxes in which he is placing collages and various small objects. TITLE: INTENSE COMMUNICATION The shadowboxes were narrow worlds, each sealed behind a glass front.…

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twleo12/24/2011 150 150 John Sandbach

Capricorn 2. A painting which causes those who see it to become silent TITLE:  THE ABILITY TO JUDGE AND YET BE UNATTACHED TO ONE’S JUDGEMENTS or EGOLESS OBJECTIVITY I am…

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