The Circular Temple Volume I
Aries through Virgo
A Study of the 360° of the Zodiac
The Circular Temple Volume I: Aries through Virgo The two-volume text of “The Circular Temple” consists of 1,440 pictorial symbols channeled by John Sandbach over a period of more than twenty years. These symbols are expressed in words rather than visual images, and divided into 4 groups, each one containing 360 symbols. In all 4 groups each of the 360 symbols corresponds to one of the 360 degrees of the zodiac. Therefore each degree of […]
The Circular Temple Volume II
Libra through Pisces
A Study of the 360° of the Zodiac
The Circular Temple Volume II: Libra through Pisces The two-volume text of “The Circular Temple” consists of 1,440 pictorial symbols channeled by John Sandbach over a period of more than twenty years. These symbols are expressed in words rather than visual images, and divided into 4 groups, each one containing 360 symbols. In all 4 groups each of the 360 symbols corresponds to one of the 360 degrees of the zodiac. Therefore each degree of […]
A Kabbalistic Compendium of Meanings
for Astrological Midpoints
New expanded edition coming soon.
Midpoints are a major tool for an astrological interpretation. Until now there has been very little written on the subject, the main book being Reinhold Ebertin’s “Combination of Stellar Influences” which is highly limited, has little depth, and which is focused on events and outer occurrences rather than psychology.
“Midpoints” approaches this subject of midpoints from an inner world perspective and delivers insightful interpretations for all of the planetary midpoints, as well as combinations for […]
The Manual of Astrology
New expanded edition coming soon.
This book is based on the work of the astrologer Marc Edmund Jones, and is a restating of his basic methods of chart interpretation together with my own additions and modifications to them that have been made over the 47 year period of my career as a professional astrologer. The book also contains two sample chart interpretations which are thorough and extensive.
This manual offers an easy and convenient way for students of astrology to get started.
Planetary Containments:
A Study of 990 Combinations
This book is hard to find but will be available soon.
This is also a text for practicing astrologers. It describes a simple technique first found by French practitioners, and is the only extensive work ever written on the subject.
Planetary Containments is the simple and easy technique of looking at which planets are the closest on either side to any particular planet. This is a powerful and neglected astrological technique that can reveal much about a person and can be used to enhance and enrich all other astrological techniques. This is the only book to ever explore this subject extensively.
Degree Analyses:
Chandra Symbols in the Horoscope
The dwadashamsas are 2 and one-half degree spaces of the zodiac and divide each sign into 12 parts. They are used extensively in Indian Astrology. This book is based on the dwadashamsa rulerships developed by Carl Payne Toby. Volume two gives psychic images for each of the dwadashamsas, and introduces the reader to the Chandra Symbols, the first set of degree images channeled by Sandbach, and which became the basis for his monumental text “The Circular Temple.”
How to Use Harmonics:
What Astrological Harmonics Tell
New edition coming soon.
“How To Use Harmonics” explains the meaning of various harmonic charts that can be astrologically generated. The book focuses on the first 13 harmonics, giving meaning for the planets in each one of these charts. There are very few books that have been written on this subject. According to Indian Astrology the most important harmonic chart is the 9th, which shows the direction in which the person is headed in this lifetime. This is a key chart to explore to understand the Nodes better and to help a person understand the path of their own personal evolution.
Astrology, Alchemy, and the Tarot
New edition coming soon.