Saturday, September 3rd, 2011: Symbol for the day: Sun in 111 Virgo: BIRDS THOUGHT TO BE EXTINCT ARE SEEN FLOCKING IN THREES IN THE HIGH MOUNTAINS. (Azoth series). Based on Kabbalistic numerology this is a Sun day.
This is a day of important and beautiful ideas returning to us, ones we may have neglected or forgotten. As we observe spiritual energies at work all around us we perceive old and familiar harmonies that can be reactivated.
Thought for the day: the Bach Flower Remedy corresponding to Leo is Vervain, which is used to help people who try to hard, or who are over-enthusiastic, which is a way Leo can often be. Leo needs to find the right level of energy and approach through which to express itself, and find the spiritual trust that will free it from an obsessive need to overdo anything.