Thursday, August 4th, 2011: Symbol for the Day: Sun in 12 Leo: THE MOUTH OF THE AMAZON RIVER. (Chandra series). This is a Libra day.
We need to embrace a greater reality today. We need to not hold back, but instead to allow ourselves to flow and to be generous. It is the ego that holds us back. The ego always makes us small and wants to keep us apart. This may feel safe but will ultimately result in misery and alienation. Have the courage to let go today, and magic will appear spontaneously in your life.
Thought for the day: It is very difficult to access any planet in the 12th house directly, for 12th house planets always have an elusive, hidden quality. They invite us to relax into our intuition, to let go of our tight focus so we can experience the most cosmic aspect of their energy.